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What are Invasive Species?

Ah the mynah bird. You see them all over the place, strutting along as they look for food. Lawns. Parks. Streets. Even beaches.  Hawai'i is filled with mynah birds. They are everywhere, on every island. Noisy and common, they have several less than flattering names in Hawaiian including:  piha `ekelo  (full of voice) and  manu`aipilau  (trash-eating bird). Turns out mynahs are native to South Asia. That means they are found there naturally. They developed and adapted to habitat there. But if that's the case, why are they in Hawaii? How did they even get here?                        (The most accurate of accurate world maps. Trust me.) At first you might think, being birds and having those wing things that birds do, they flew here. But mynahs aren't long distance fliers (don't judge) and couldn't have survived an ocean trip. Their wings aren't tapered to fly for long periods of time and they don't eat fish. So ho